Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethical Issues of Running with Scissors Essay - 685 Words

Ethical Issues of â€Å"Running with scissors† This movie is told from Augusten Burroughs point of view of his childhood. He was very close to his mother; he skipped school to stay with her. To him he seemed to have an ordinary life. His house was very clean and he would polish things because he liked it so clean. His mother Deidre Burroughs, who has gone insane after her divorce from his father, gives him up for adoption to her psychiatrist, Dr. Finch. She comes to their house quite often throughout the movie and asks why he spends so much time with them. Dr. Finch has two daughters and an adopted son some of who were at one time his patients. At the age of twelve, Augusten engages in a romantic relationship with Neil Bookman who is†¦show more content†¦Instead of fixing Deidre’s psychological issues Dr. Finch created more issues between her and Augusten. Also allowing him to engage in a romantic relationship with a male twice his age caused him more psychological harm than benefit. Augusten wanted someone to speak up and tell him what he was doing was wrong. He wanted to be treated like a child with a mother and father and instead of building a family Dr. Finch tore it apart. Dr. Finch tricked Deidre into signing over power of attorney to his self so he could steal her money it was a violation of codes 3.06 and 3.08 conflict of interest and Exploitative Relationships. Dr. Finch gained Deidre’s trust as her psychologist and used it in a very dishonest way. When Deidre found out what he had done she tried to confront him but he turned everything around to make her think she conjured the scenario up. He tried to have her committed for insanity. Dr. Finch should not have had his license because he broke so many rules. He had no regards for ethics and he may have been psychotic himself. He broke all five of the principles of ethics. He had no sense of care for his patients. He seemed to be working for the money not to actually help people. He never actually helped any of his patients in fact he made many situations worse. He condoned unhealthy relationships with hisShow MoreRelatedReproductive Technology And The Medical Field1946 Words   |  8 Pagesto genetically modify a child by eliminating diseases, this technique raises many ethical and medical issues. Bioethicists, geneticists and others have suggested that genetically modifying babies may cause miscarriage, other potential dangers such as an increase in class divisions in society, and have unknown effects on other gene characteristics if one gene is altered. Other problems raised include societal issues such as sex discrimination and discrimination favoring designe r babies over non-designerRead More1.A)For This Writer, The Definition Of Disaster Is When1536 Words   |  7 Pagespersonal safety in an emergent situation. 6. 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