Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Culture and Values Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Culture and Values. Answer: Normal challenges faced by the managers to manage their employees are with multi-focused objectives like organizational culture and values, selection of prioritized areas, productivity and improved work quality. Organizational culture and values Every organization runs with mission statement which includes vision, mission, objective and values. Vision always gives direction to the desired destination while mission points out the way to reach that destination. Objective gives the direction to desired level of achievement of the organization by application of corporate strategies while ethical view of the organization is fixed with the corporate values fixed by the organization. It is the duty of the manager to make the employee understand about these aspects as these are required to perform for the organization with the guideline fixed by the management. Ethical practice can be ensured through exercising of the values fixed by the organization while objective guides direction towards accomplishment of goal fixed by the organization. Managers role to make the employee understand the organizational culture and values plays a critical role in HR management as the same can make the team more efficient to perform their duties with ethical background and successful team spirit.(Mishra K, 2014) Selection of prioritized areas This area mainly emphasizes on the demand of the jobs with the availability of best possible resources provided by the organization. Every organization provides the set of useable resources to the employees by means of technological background, mechanical assistance, proposed fixation of targets with the available resources and these can be instrumental for the success of the organization. It is mostly found that employees should emphasize on the prioritized areas of the organization to understand what is to be accomplished by which resources. Manager is the best link in-between these two as he can make the employees understand about the achievable target by means of available resources. The more this can be critically made understood to the employees by the manager, the better the result expected from this effort. It is often found that the selection of prioritized areas can enhance the deliverable of the employees which the managers can only ensure through their effective communica tion to the employees.(Shaufeli, 2004) Productivity Productivity is the main domain of performance for the employees. Hence this area is to be prioritized with different activities by the managers. The set of targets for the employees are to be done in such way that they can find the same reachable. Good way to incentivize can be another way of getting the best result extractable from the employees. (Karanges E, 2015) Formation of an efficient team is more important with proper leadership which can only be ensured through the role of manager. Productivity of the organization can be ensured through fixation of time bound target along with the possible provision of training and technological resources for the employees enabling them to accomplish their targets. Most of the employees get confused of what is to be achieved as there are some super fictitious targets set for the employees. A good manager can come up with the leadership style which can convince the employees about their achievable target as well as the way to accomplish that through their effort. Manager has to play a positive role in this regard as he is the bridge between the organization and the employees so far the target or objective is concerned and he can fix the level of productivity to accomplish that target with the best possible utilization of available resources. (Carter WR, 2016) Improved work quality How improved work quality can be ensured is the question for the managers who handles the employees. There are different ways to look into it. Improved work quality can be ensured through introduction of better technological assistance or know how with proper implementation of the same. Manager can be instrumental in this regard as he is the leader of his team and accountable for the deliverance of the output from the employee. Better working condition can be another domain where the manager can ensure better feeling of the employees and thus can ensure the employees to keep them in their comfort zone to get the best result out of them. A good promotional approach in the form of acknowledgment of their efforts can ensure improved work quality of the organization which can only ensure the accomplishment of the organizational objective. Manager, being the leader can ensure that through his effort for the better work condition to improve work quality of the organization. Manager can mak e the situation best for the employees so far their accomplishment of target is concerned by enforcing certain measures which can lead to best possible outcome from the employees so far deliverable is concerned.(Tulgan, 2016) References: Carter WR, N.P.B.R.P.S.a.S., 2016. The effects of employee engagement and self efficiency on job performance, a longtitudinal feied study. The International Journal of Human Resoruce Managment. Karanges E, J.K.B.A.a.L.L., 2015. The Influence of internal communication on employee engagment: A pilot Study. Public Realtions Review , 41(1), pp.129-31. Mishra K, B.L.M.A., 2014. Driving Employee Engagement: The Expanded Role of Internal Communications. international journal of business communciations, Vol. 51(2) 183202. Shaufeli, B., 2004. Job Demands, Job Resoruces and their relationship woth burnout and engagment. Organziational behavior, 25(3). Tulgan, B., 2016. Six steps to improve employee work quality. [Online] Available at: https://www.ldphub.com/general-news/six-steps-to-improve-employee-work-quality-222096.aspx [Accessed 05 October 2017].

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